Client: multinational in the food packaging sector


The client needed to clean steel moulds intended for plastic injection. In addition, only one operator could be assigned to supervise the process. As these are moulds of great weight and size, the client requested customized measures for the loading rack and ruled out installing an elevator, since it had its own crane bridge.

The main

The cleaning of the moulds requires superior finishes to minimize the percentage of product rejection. Therefore, the challenge was to design an efficient solution that offered maximum power with minimum energy consumption. We also perform laboratory tests on the original mould so that the client could check the effectiveness of our chemical solution.


A customized three-stage installation was chosen: ultrasound + rinse + anti-corrosion protection drying process, digitally controlled by a touch screen. This installation met the customer's requirements, allowing to increase and improve the quality of production. It was amortized in a few months.

You should know

Most mold cleaning equipment is custom made, because its design depends on several factors: customer production times, size and material of the parts to be treated, available floor space ... The same problem may require a customized solution, that's why we are specialized in the design, manufacturing and installation of custom projects.

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Stage 1: BRIO Ultrasonic cleaning

This first bath removes the remains of plastic on the entire surface of the mould, which in this case is steel. The ultrasound affects the water in the tank and causes a microscopic hammering that removes the dirt stuck on the surface and in the cavities of the piece. To speed up the process, the machine heats the water in a range between 65 and 80ºC. In addition, to gain effectiveness, a specific BRCLEAN alkaline detergent is provided for the application.

Stage 2: Rinse

This process eliminates the remains of detergent by rinsing, with a built-in bubble system that facilitates the total release of the chemical. In addition, the tank incorporates a filtering system that removes the remains of soap deposited in the cleaning fluid.

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Stage 3: Anti-corrosion protection drying process

This process displaces any particles that may remain in the mould, also providing a thin corrosion protection film.