Energy efficiency

We help companies around the world to accelerate their industrial cleaning processes and achieve efficient use of water and energy.

Industry needs tools to reduce its impact on the environment

Acceleration of cleaning processes

Increase your productivity by reducing cleaning times.

Energy efficiency

Save on your electricity bill and help make your company more environmentally friendly.

Water savings

Ultrasonic cleaning consumes the minimum of water and achieves better results than other more antiquated, costly and wasteful systems.

Power, efficiency
and savings

BRIO equipment contributes to creating more efficient and environmentally friendly companies, thanks to its low consumption and high performance.

Il risparmio generato dalla nostra tecnologia ad ultrasuoni riduce drasticamente il consumo di energia, acqua e manodopera. Recupererai più che il tuo investimento nel breve e medio termine e la tua azienda sarà più rispettosa dell’ambiente.


Reduction of water consumption


Energy savings


Labor reduction

Detergents and spare parts

Our machines are designed to work with very low proportions of detergent. In addition, the baths can be reused numerous times without losing effectiveness.

Join our distribution network

Offer your customers the BRIO manufacturing guarantee. Standard or customized ultrasonic cleaning solutions at competitive prices and the best quality.

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