
For more than 30 years, the A&J Tecno Innovacions S.L. team has been dedicated to the design, manufacture and national and international sale of industrial cleaning machinery, especially ultrasonic cleaning.

We have always been characterized by our strong R&D&I focus and a constant concern to reduce the environmental impact and energy cost of each application while maintaining the best results.

BRIO ULTRASONICS is the brand name under which we gather all our ultrasonic cleaning equipment and technology. BRIO, a name that represents our values of reliability, energy efficiency and superior cleaning finishes. The result of years of research and constant improvement in this field, in which we have achieved exclusive innovations with which our equipment is equipped.

BRIO Ultrasonics in the world

We manufacture cleaning equipment for companies all over the world. Norway, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Portugal and Morocco are just some of the countries to which we have exported our equipment.

Our goal is to make ourselves known worldwide so that our unique BRIO ultrasonic cleaning technology can serve all companies that need it, regardless of their origin or sector.


These are the values that define BRIO’s culture, a guide for our daily work.


To provide cleaning equipment to the industry, with innovations that improve productivity, energy efficiency and the environmental friendliness of companies.

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